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Fitness - body fitness for health



It is becoming a worldwide habit to be sedentary: be it at work or home, with relatives or friends, in front of TV screen or computer monitor, in the theatre or movie theatre, in restaurants... The long-lasting sitting position puts considerable strain on our spine, joints, digestive tract and the psyche. Our overall energy diminishes and when we wish to take our energy level higher we have to engage in physical activity to put “things” in motion.

It is then that we meet „face-to-face“with our attitudes towards perseverance and a desire for healthy mind and body ageing. We often postpone with the start of new habits from Monday to Monday and thus remain in the vicious non-active cycle. We tend to forget that we wear-off our bodies and fail to relax regularly as well as maintain our health.


We wait until first physical distress signs appear, and then become angry, frustrated, tire easily and have no desire to change and lose confidence in ourselves. It is important to accept that physical activity needs to be a part of the daily routine. Exact type of physical activity depends on one's age, physical fitness and actual health. Actually, any kind of motion will bring sitive change. However, proper advice will help us with the correct choice.



Physical activity, as a lifestyle choice, brings greater quality to all areas in life: emotional, physical and mental. Any kind of muscular action that requires energy expenditure greater than while resting will provide benefit, for example running, brisk walking, cycling, swimming, dancing, gardening, house work or stair climbing. It is important to achieve physical fitness through often and non-aggressive repetition.


Remember – pills for personal action do not exist! Therefore, take a step towards your health because if we are not active, our muscles grow weaker and thus we grow weaker…

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