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detoxification water

anti stress program

nutriton plan

exercises breathing

MoJa consultation


Consultation process varies and depends of one's needs or problems.

Nutrition plan

balanced nutrition plan made for you

Mr.Sc. Mirjana Tonković takes every attendant seriously and approaches everyone on a individual basis. By over viewing a state of a skin, hair, tongue, neck and spine and by analyzing nutritional habits and genetic background Mirjana makes an diagnose and nutritional plan in order to achieve the best solution for every individual attendee.


anti stress program

Program is suitable for everyone who wants to improve body metabolism, emotional condition, work efficiency and stress resistance.

During anti stress program you would have a professional guidance while mastering various techniques: breathing, water detox, emotional relaxing and connecting with inner self and your capabilities.


Self esteem Training

We are the source and the solution of all our problems.


Self esteem training has individual and personalized approach for every attendee. Someone has a overweight problem or some other bad habit but essential is to learn how to love itself and embrace the vision of better self.Miljena Jurasić MD neurologist and Mirjana Tonković nutritionist will help you to recognize your own potentials and will help women to see a woman inside her soul so a man could recognize her as well. You will learn how to improve communication with family and at work.



You need a change, but how to start?

This is the right place for you to be! Our experts will help you to make the best of your life. Together with top health, nutrition, beauty and psychology experts start serious positive change in all life segments. This seminar will direct you to take a reflection on your life inside and out and will take you to the point where the reflection would be all you ever wanted and dreamed about.

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