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nogomet / soccer

Kome još to nije poznato? Preostala snaga u ključnoj fazi igre, zgoditak protivnika ili propušteni gol zbog smanjene koncentracije, grčeva u listovima, ukočenosti mišića, posebice tijekom vrućina.

Završna je faza igre zaključena ili pobjedom ili porazom, u svakom slučaju ili je uspon ili odustajanje.

U drugim sportskim disciplinama, kao što je laka atletika, triatlon, vožnja biciklom ili plivanje, već odavno postoji točno definiran dostatan unos ugljikohidrata, proteina, vitamina i minerala.

Na žalost, kod većine nogometnih udruženja tema o prehrani sportaša još je uvijek zapostavljena i još uvijek joj se posvećuje premalo vremena.


Kod današnjeg načina igre i podjednake čvrste igre pojedinih nogometnih klubova, osim tehnike i taktike, kondicija i snaga su podjednako bitne. Najveći je napor posljednjih 20- tak minuta igre, a to se može postići samo uz pravilnu prehranu i dodatke prehrane.

Prosječno sportaši potroše cca 2200 kcal tijekom 90- minutne igre.

Ukoliko bi se ta vrsta   energije dobila od ugljikohidrata, to bi odgovaralo unosu oko 3,5 kg krumpira, 2,5 kg riže ili 2 kg tjestenine, ili da se potroši 240 g tjelesne masti.

Kako je nemoguće unijeti toliku količinu namirnica, organizam počinje sam sagorijevati vlastite masti. Prvo nakon 30 minuta sagori cca 20% masti, nakon 60 minuta ode još za preostalih 80% potrošene energije.


I think everyone has either seen or heard a story like this one: last minute of the game – opportunity arises – yet, a goal is not scored due to either decrease in concentration or calf pain and muscle stiffness (especially prominent on hot days).

Last moments in the game often determine the winning or losing team.

In soccer, unlike sports such as athletics, triathlon, cycling or swimming, there is no predefined satisfactory carbohydrate, protein or vitamin and mineral intake.

Sadly, most soccer associations chose not to deal with this issue appropriately. Today, in soccer, besides technique and tactic, strength and endurance are more and more required. The greatest test in a soccer match is giving the best effort in the last 20 minutes of the game which could only be achieved through proper diet choices and supreme quality food supplements.

Average energy consumption during a single soccer game is about 2200 kCal. If we wish to replenish this need with carbohydrate intake, it would require about 3,5kg of potatoes or 2,5kg of rice or 2kg of pasta.

Because it is impossible to eat such amount of food, the body begins to burn bodily fat. During a single game about 240g of bodily fat is burned, 20% are consumed by the muscles in the first 30 minutes and then additional 80% in the next 60 minutes. 


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